Recognition of the right of minorities
Will Kymlicka, political and multiculturalism scientist, said the most important thing of citizenship is the recognition of the rights of minorities by the state and the majority (Kymlicka, 2009). Therefore, there is a real recognition by Indonesia Muslims as the majority of the inhabitants of Indonesian country to appreciate, respect, and empathize to them in the meaning of religion.
If the Muslims as the majority reluctant to recognize, respect, and empathize for minorities, Indonesian Muslims will be questioned by other countries politically and multiculturally. In fact, Islamic commitment declared as rahmatan lil a’lamin will be disputed.
The Muslims must acknowledge, respect, and empathize to minority people. In the multiculturalism perspective, if you are the minorities who honor, respect, and empathize to the majority, it is the subjugation politics of the majority.
However, if the Muslims have begun to appreciate, respect, and empathize with other religious minorities, it is evidence of openness and political behavior that is democratic and inclusive and also it is the proof that the Muslims don’t feel threatened by the minorities.
Actually, some events related to the position of minority religion that sometimes feels threatened by majority give a serious note to the Muslims in this country. Do the Muslims feel threatened by the minorities? If you say yes, it will be a serious problem that must be solved because Indonesia is a country that has declared itself as a religious state not secular nation even if it is not based on Islam but Muslim society.
But, although Indonesia is not based on Islam, it is undeniable that the values of Islam and even Islamic culture have become part of Indonesia. We can see this country has given big space for Islam to be expressed in the room of the political public.
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