Ketika konsumsi beras berkurang 30%, dan konsumsi tepung
naik hingga 70%, maka energy manusia mungkin mulai menurun, karena secara
keseluruhan kita tahu bahwa manusia sering mengkonsumsi karbohidrat sepanjang
hidup. Kita sering menemukan area yang didominasi oleh ladang padi, biasanya
masyarakatnya mengkonsumsi nasi dua kali lebih banyak daripada pangan lainnya.
Tentu saja harga beras dua kali lebih mahal daripada harga produk atau pangan
lainnya. Akan tetapi di daerah yang memproduksi beras lebih sedikit daripada
tepung maka beras yang dikonsumsi akan lebih sedikit.
Overall, we know that when rice consumption decreases by 30%
and that of flour increases by 70%, human energy may be weakening, because they
often consume carbohydrate in the entire of life. We often find that in area
dominated by rice farming, the society often consumes rice twice as much as
other food products and certainly the price of rice is twice as much as that of
other products. However, in areas producing rice much less than flour, less
rice is consumed.
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